How to Get Visible Weight Loss Results Within a Days! 4 Most Important Tips You Should Read

5 Dec

You might have read this over and over again, but the most vital factor for you to lose weight is having the proper eating and diet habits. You have to realize that eating the wrong foods and having the wrong diet plan is what caused you to gain weight in the first place.

So, the first step that you must do to tackle this weight problem is for you to change how and what you eat so you can live healthy and become trimmed. Here are a couple of tips which can help you with your cause. Read on and find out how it is done.

Have Plenty of Water – Stop washing down your meal with sodas and other aerated drinks. These contain loads of calories, which is the reason why you are getting more and more fats. Keep the body hydrated and your metabolism at high everyday by drinking lots of water.

Water also helps your kidney and liver immensely, ridding them of wastes and other dangerous toxins.

Eat the Proper Foods – Start eating foods which contain loads of fiber such as vegetables and cereals. Healthy carbohydrates found in brown rice and potatoes are a lot better than pizza and pasta. Unsaturated fats are also better as compared to saturated fats.

Having plenty of protein is beneficial in maintaining muscles; very important if you want to continue burning those unwanted fats inside your body.

Replace Junk Foods – Junk foods are deadly! To lose weight, start ridding your refrigerator of these grubs. Throw away those French fries, chips and other unhealthy delights that you got used to grabbing and chomping.

If you want to grab a quick bite, have carrots and celery; instead of eating nachos and chips.

Treat Yourself – It is not bad to treat yourself after a week of strict exercising and dieting. Just make sure you do not over indulge yourself.

Useful information Fine weight loss plan

Lose Tummy Fat by Controlling Your Diet

17 Jul

A director of a fitness center said once that you can’t just lose tummy fat, because when you take the journey of fat loss, each part of the body including your abdominal region gets less and less fatter. So speaking concisely, if you diet properly along with exercise, you can lose tummy fat within a short period of time.

Some diets that should help include:

1. Blueberries: You should take up to eating blue berry since it’s a very effective way to speed up your metabolism rate which in turn helps in reducing belly fat. An experiment conducted on rats and mice revealed that those who relish these berries lose a lot of abdominal fat.

2. Survey of Vibrating plates: One more recent survey was conducted where the participants were divided into 4 groups. The first one went on diet alone, the second on diet with regular exercise program, the third one on diet with vibration plates, and the last one was the control group. The result was that the group which had taken to vibrating plates lost the maximum amount of tummy fat. So the program of vibrating plates can help a lot in reducing the belly fat!

3. Beware of Trans fat! : A research has shown that consumption of Trans fat at medium to huge levels increases tummy weight and can pose a threat of giving you serious heart diseases. So while shopping for those canned processed food at the super market, make sure that you read the amount of Trans fat which a particular product has.

4. Get the maximum amount of sleep you can manage: Sleeping 7-8 hours is a must, and most of the people know that. It has been found out that people who sleep less on only 4 hours daily have a 70-72% chance of getting obese! Because of less sleep, your leptin levels get decreased resulting in loss of appetite. Thus, it causes more harm than good.

5. Make yourself fresh and stress free: Always make sure that if you are stressed out, take some rest and go for some or the other kind of relaxi ng activity.

These tips will surely help you to lose tummy fat. Don’t forget to persevere and really push for it!

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How to Slim Down Without Diets That Do Not Work

14 Jul

All the people who are overweight, some more some less, want to slim down and look healthy and lean. I mean nobody wants to be fat, but as you know slimming down is very hard to do. It is very hard to find someone, who has successfully lost weight and has also been able to maintain their weight. Do you know any? There could be many reasons why people are not able to slim down successfully, but the main one is, that people just have no idea what is the right way to do this.

How to slim down without diets

There is no doubt that the whole weight loss industry makes a lot of money buy selling diets, weight loss pill, exercise machines, supplements etc. So the more stuff these people sell, the more money they will make, right? So they do not want you or anyone else to actually slim down for good. They want you do go on a diet, lose some weight in the process for a short period, so they can say, “Hey, the diet worked, you lost some weight.” Of course after yo u lose some weight with diets, then sooner or later it all comes back. That is how diets work.

Each time you turn on the TV, read magazines or surf the internet, you find all kinds of weight loss product ads, every single one of them will tell you how is it is to slim down. But the only thing that slims down in reality, is your wallet. You can not lose weight successfully with diets, because diets are not permanent solutions, they are only temporary. If you go ON a diet, then you also have to come OFF the diet.

If you want to know how to slim down without diets and do it successfully, then you have to take different approach. Changing your lifestyle one step at a time is the key for your success. Because if you change your habits from terrible to bad to good to excellent, then slimming down becomes very easy, because it is a habit. If you have the habit of eating the right foods, eating the right amount of foods, doing cardio and weight training regularly, then i t is very easy to stay lean.

A new on the network 11 Tips to Weight Loss Success

Losing Weight With Nutrition and Exercise is the Key to Success

6 Jan

Losing weight requires motivation and desire to achieve your goals of being healthy and fit. There are many tips to lose weight that can help. However, the bottom line is that a person will have to eat properly and exercise more. Nutrition is key to dropping the unwanted pounds. Consuming around between 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day is all that is needed when combined with exercise. This includes removing virtually all sugars from the diet. Foods like eggs, oatmeal wild rice and water with lemon juice are key to a nutritional diet that should eaten. Meals should be eaten every three hours. Many people assume that by starving themselves that they will lose weight but the reverse actually happens. The body assumes that a person is starving it so when they only get a meal or two a day it will hold on to as much fat as possible. If the body believes it will receive numerous (small) meals a day then it will release the fat from the cells. Eating more often also keeps the metabolism high in the body. Exercise is vitally important if weight loss is the goal. Simply strolling around the neighborhood is not going to be much use. The heart rate has to get elevated. Using a heart rate monitor is helpful to keep you working out in the right “zone”. Exercises should be done that works a person’s cardiovascular and muscular system. Fast moving exercises like cycling, running and swimming are key to losing inches. Strength training exercises are also key to build muscle and tone areas that are losing fat. When performing strength exercises, whether using body weight or barbells and dumbbells, it is important to remember to keep moving to also keep the heart rate up as well as fatigue the muscles. Losing weight is really very simple but is not very easy. It takes a desire to do the hard things that a body is not used to. There is a chemical addiction that many people have to food. Breaking one from that is the first step to weight loss. The second is getting people off the couch and moving doing strenuous exercises. These are the keys to weight loss. For reference

‘Scientix European conference’, Brussels, Belgium

5 Jan

The ‘Scientix European conference’ will be held from 6 to 8 May 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The event will be an opportunity to learn more about different science education projects in Europe, get to know the people behind the projects, and share expertise, knowledge and best practices. The conference is intended to give a thorough view of the potential and possibilities of the portal and community. Scientix collects teaching materials and research reports from European science education projects financed by the European Union under the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, the Lifelong Learning Programme and various national initiatives. The conference is not only intended for science, math and technology teachers, but other stakeholders, such as researchers, policymakers and science communicators. Read also

Innovation policy review highlights achievements and challenges

31 Dec

The EU and its Member States have made good progress on innovation in recent years. Nevertheless, further action is urgently needed if the EU is to become the world’s leading knowledge-based economy. This is the main message from a newly released Commission Communication which reviews progress on innovation in the EU and highlights the challenges ahead. Over the past few years, in the framework of the Lisbon Partnership for growth and jobs, the EU has launched a number of policies and initiatives designed to boost innovation in Europe. As the Communication points out: ‘Innovation is the precondition for the creation of a knowledge-based, low-carbon economy. Mastering this transformation is crucial to remain competitive in the globalised world and to achieve wider societal goals in a sustainable way under the pressure of demographic changes, the climate challenge, scarce resources and new security threats.’ According to the Commission, progress has been made in a number of areas. The majority of the Member States have improved their innovation performance and the innovation gap between the EU and its main competitors, namely the US and Japan, has narrowed. An analysis of the situation reveals that the most innovative countries share a number of features in common. ‘They are usually spending above the average for education, training and lifelong learning, have the highest share of R&D [research and development] spending in GDP [gross domestic product] and have instruments to support the uptake of new technologies and products in the public and private sectors,’ the report reads. ‘Experience also shows that these countries are better prepared to make use of the exchange of best practices and to learn from others.’ At European level, access to the single market has been made easier. Legislation such as the Small Business Act and the Services Directive should make life easier for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In addition, the newly updated state-aid rules make it easier for Member States to grant aid for innovation and research activities. Many countries have also set up tax-incentive schemes to encourage investments in R&D. EU funds for research are now available from a range of sources, including the EUR-54-billion Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), the Cohesion policy (which spends around a quarter of its budget on innovation activities) and the EU’s rural development funds, some EUR 337 million of which is earmarked for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors. Furthermore, initiatives such as the European Research Area (ERA), the Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) are helping to improve links between researchers in different countries and between universities, business and industry. Nevertheless, there is much room for improvement. In many countries, a change in mindset is needed. ‘Innovation and entrepreneurship are not yet sufficiently recognised as values everywhere in Europe, while the failure they sometimes imply continues to be stigmatised,’ the report notes. The lack of a Community patent means that it is more expensive to protect intellectual property in Europe than it is in the US or Japan. ‘It is high time to change this situation,’ the Communication states. Public authorities also need to play a greater role in stimulating innovation through public procurement, for example. The Communication also calls for improved coordination of policies designed to boost innovation at regional, national and EU levels. Furthermore, despite the wealth of EU funds available to support research and innovation activities, many stakeholders are put off applying for them by the amount of bureaucracy involved. Companies surveyed in a recent poll clearly stated a desire for simpler, faster procedures. ‘The analysis of the progress achieved in recent years shows that the EU has rightly identified innovation as a key driver for a prosperous future,’ the Communication concludes. ‘However, making the EU a vibrant space for innovation requires continuous attention and calls for a better exploitation of the potential of the partnership between the Union and its Member States by taking more focused and better coordinated actions at all levels.’ The Commission will now consult Member States and other stakeholders with a view to proposing a comprehensive European Innovation Act in spring 2010. A new on the network

Hammer Toe Surgery

31 Dec

Surgery A hammertoe is an acute deformity of the leg that targets the middle joint of any selected toe of the leg finger region. The toe of the last finger of the leg is worst affected by it that automatically bends in a shape of a hammerhead facing outward or even sometimes severely bend inside like a hook or nose of a parrot. The abnormal bending of the finger mounts pressure on the toe while the layman wearing shoes, boots, high pencil heels etc. The commonest structures for undergoing a surgical treatment therapy is the acute pain and irritations at the toe region, there is build a corn at the upper top skin of the toe. The disease occurs due to constantly experiencing friction in between and at the top of the infected region because footwear softens the region along with moisture or harden the skin surface with contraction to bacteria and other virus formations. At the bottom of the hammertoe develops another type of disease termed as calluses. It usually, in most of the cases develops at the ball of the foot toe. Certain non-invasive measures and precautions are adopted initially before exposing the patient to undergo surgical treatment because that is necessary as suggested by the surgeon. The corns aren’t easily removed that is why surgical treatment becomes essential. The surgery corrects the tendon muscles and balances it so that further deformities can be overcome easily. The ankle surgeon suggests hosts of surgical treatment or hammertoe disease such as trimming the calluses and corns surfaces with special sophisticated tools that is rather impossible through non-surgical ways because there emerges the risk of cuts and bruises at the delicate skin surface thereby the ankle surgeon systematically knows as to where to cut and how deep should be the surgical incision if required by the surgeon. The surgery requires protection of prescribed bandages or cushioned pads to shield away the corns and calluses. It is performed as to avoid as the infection do not becomes rigid in nature and the patient might be relieved by the acute pain at the top of the hammertoe skin. Arthroplasty is the surgical removal of the tiny section of the raised bone from the impinged on muscle joint. The bone if not thoroughly discarded initially could effect the infection to severe more as it is an extra increase of bone at the area required by the surgeon. Anthrodesis as surgery is carried out when multiple joints of infections involved under the severity. A small joint is fused into the toe in order to straighten it as quickly as possible because in such severity if the bone isn’t aligned according to the problem then overtime the deformity of the joint might even starts pinging internally with increase in pain and anxiety. When the bones are healing automatically a specific pin is inserted into the infected region so that the fixation procedure of the hammertoe deformity comes into then position and no further positioning of the skin surface might not occur in the near future. Hammertoe surgery also demands wedging of the skin surface sometimes when the condition isn’t so much acute in nature. Through such technique the lengthening of the skin and joint bone is estimated to rebalance the tendon surface and relocate the bones near the surrounding regions of the leg skin region. Bunions of the toe are also taken good care by surgeons under the surgical treatments. The surgical pads recommended by the surgeon shouldn’t emerge any acidic reactions at then infected spot because according to surgeons acid to the area is extremely dangerous. A specific shoe wear shouldn’t be changed for at least six consecutive months as comfortable shoes with roomy box is helpful to protect the softness of the toe skin surface. An orthotic surgical device is placed inside the shoe to protect the toe bone and other related joints of the leg. Ulceration at the pressure point of the hammertoe is too a major requirement for surgery. Have you experience tendon injury and you want to find out more information about personal injury claims? Contact Irwin Mitchell.

Scientists connect the dots in Parkinson’s research

29 Dec

EU-funded researchers in Germany have discovered that three factors need to coincide for the neurodegenerative disorder Parkinson’s disease to develop. The findings, which are published in the journal Public Library of Science (PLoS) Biology, are an important step forward in our understanding of what causes the debilitating condition. The new findings are an outcome of the NEURONE (‘Molecular mechanisms of neuronal degeneration: from cell biology to the clinic’) project, financed with EUR 8.3 million under the ‘Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health’ Thematic area of the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), and of the MOLPARK (‘Molecular mechanisms of neuronal restoration: novel approaches for Parkinson’s disease’) project, financed with EUR 3.47 million under the Health Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Further support was given by the EU’s Marie Curie scheme. As the world’s population ages, it is becoming imperative that the mechanisms of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, which normally develops between the ages of 45 and 60, are discovered. Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) and affects more than 300,000 people in Germany alone. It is estimated that over 6 million people suffer from the disease worldwide, and the number continues to grow. Parkinson’s affects motor skills, speech, muscle control, movement and balance. Sufferers often shake and are unable to control the movements of their limbs. Parkinson’s develops as a result of a reduction in activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. Despite years of extensive research, however, scientists have still not been able to discover what causes the molecular changes that trigger this development. Several breakthroughs have occurred in Parkinson’s research in the past 10 years including the identification of various genes involved in the development of the hereditary form of the disease. Other research has shown that nerve cell growth factors, such as GDNF (glial cell derived neurotrophic factor), have been found to reduce the rate at which nerve cells are destroyed in the parts of the brain affected by Parkinson’s. The team’s breakthrough occurred when they discovered that in mouse models, cell death in the substantia nigra (the midbrain) took place when three particular factors were present: a defective disease gene (the DJ-1 gene), a deficiency in responding to a growth factor, and the ageing of the mouse. ‘Although we had an inkling that this might be the case, we had no actual proof up to now,’ said Dr Liviu Aron of the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried, who is first author of the study. ‘The discovered connection between the response to a growth factor and the DJ-1 gene is extremely interesting,’ added Professor RГјdiger Klein, also of the Max Planck Institute. ‘Environmental factors influence the supply of growth factors and their interactions with genetic factors may help us to better understand Parkinson’s disease.’ Reference to the source

Lavender Essential Oil

28 Dec

Lavender Essential Oil is an amazing natural beauty ingredient. This is due to the many beneficial properties it contains, and the wonderful scent it gives off. These properties aren’t just for cosmetic use, it can also help your health as well. Essential oil is the undiluted form of plants and other organic materials. For lavender essential oil, the flowers are steam distilled to produce this oil. This oil is commonly used to make lavender perfumes and many other products, as the lavender scent is pretty popular, and highly desired. Lavender has been used throughout the world for many decades, for many things for the body, skin and mind. Using lavender essential oil is also pretty easy as well. It can be easily added to your daily beauty routine without adding much extra time or money. The benefits of this oil are great, including some wonderful properties like helping to clear and relax the mind, as well as having calming properties that can help you get better sleep. Its scent is very refreshing and it has been used in lotions, lavender soap, and other room diffusers for centuries. Dried lavender has also been used in many potpourri’s for years, and lavender candles are also quite popular as well. Other health benefits include powerful anti-septic, and anti-fungal properties, which can help clear up certain fungal infections like athletes foot and ringworm. The ability to help clear up acne prone skin. It is also beneficial as a muscle rub and can help relax muscles and tendons when applied directly to the area on a warm cloth or towel. In addition to the above beneficial properties mentioned, lavender essential oil has many other uses you can utilize for a wide variety of ailments and issues. You can check out this great Lavender Essential Oil page for some more properties, or even check out some other natural beauty ingredients that have their own unique benefits and properties. A new on the network

Coping with ADHD: 5 strategies that might help

1 Dec

When it comes to coping strategies for coping with ADHD, most parents are not well prepared. They find it hard to deal with the hyperactive behavior of their child. It is very tough as your child is not listening to what you are saying. it is no surprise that they are going crazy about the fact how they should deal with their child. At first the diagnosis of ADHD might feel as a relief because there is finally a reason why you child was so hard to handle. However, after the diagnosis the behavior continues and it is still very difficult coping with ADHD. This article will try to give some basic coping strategies which could help parents manage their children. An important aspect of learning to cope with it is trying to understand it. ADHD is a attention and learning disorder. The child has an inability to learn from experience. The difficult part about this is that you can punish the child, but it is not capable of relating the punishment to the crime committed. This aspect has a great impact in the social life of a child with ADHD. He is always blamed as the ‘bad guy’ or ‘naughty one’ but he can not relate to this fact. The only impact of punishment is that you are hurting his feelings and self esteem. But if punishment is not the way how to cope with ADHD, than what is? There are 5 basic strategies you could apply when coping with ADHD. Consistency: As the child can not learn from experiences, consistency is an important weapon you could use. It will not understand punishment, but he is able to learn that something will happen if he for instance hit someone. The Difficult part in this lays in the fact that everybody should use the same consistency, the teacher, parents, others. Simple to follow rules: When you are trying to set up rules to create consistency, create very simple rules. try to implement only a few rules that are not to difficult for the child to keep up with. If you make too many rules the child will be frustrated because he is not able to abide all of them. Focus management: Because the child has problems focusing on one thing at the time he has to learn this. A good way in doing this is by letting him do activities with immediate rewards within a short time frame. Appraisal and Rewards: Instead of judging and criticizing him, try to give him appraisal and rewards when he does something right. This is a good way for him to build up self esteem when he did something good. Redirecting: It is very hard for someone with ADHD to stay focused on one activity. Try to redirect him everytime he is losing focus. Try to be ahead one step before he is losing attention. These basic 5 strategies might guide you in coping with ADHD. Don’t expect this to work overnight, it is a very time consuming strategy that can only work if you put enough time and effort in to it. Reference to the source About high blood pressure